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Télé Réalité

a film by
Lucile Desamory, Gustave Fundi and Glodie Mubikay


Three congelese producers are planning a reality TV show about the carnival in Belgium. Hawaly, their Burundian show-runner is supposed to prepare the shooting in Belgium effectively but her Belgian colleague is too busy with the supernatural –

Production Trompe L’Œil

Co-produced by O2 Studios Productions (RDC) – 
Ni Vu Ni Connu Productions (Grand Duché du Luxembourg) – 
PBC Pictures (Belgium) – 
Belfilm (Belgium)

AVEC: Hawaly Ndayisenga – Lucile Desamory – Elia Claessen – Marie-Paule Mailleux – Antho Sifu Kabala – Ornella Mukeba – Belord Mulopo – Rachel Vungbo – Boris Lehman – Noël Godin – Frédérique Franke IMAGE: Artur Castro Freire (Belgique) – Erick Kayembe (RDC) SON: Arnaud Liesse – Leo Guinet (Belgique) Caleb Kayeye (RDC) SCÉNARIO: Damien Desamory MONTAGE: Sophie Watzlawick MUSIQUE ET PAYSAGE SONORE: Nicholas Bussmann PRODUCTION: Lucile Desamory – O2 Studios (RDC)